4th Annual RCCOA Golf Tournament Fundraiser, Monday, September 9th, ALL TEAMS FILLED but you can still support RCCOA in the SILENT AUCTION. Amazing items including Old Town Hot Spring Membership, Fly Fishing, Pickleball Palooza, Costa Rica stay and more.
Bidding open @ 4pm Fri. – 6pm Mon, Sept 9th https://32auctions.com/rccoagolf
Given a choice, older adults often prefer to stay in their community—and in most cases, in their own homes—for as long as possible. RCCOA helps make that choice possible. Routt County Council on Aging is an independent 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization. Our mission is to determine the needs of older adults in Routt County and to make every effort to meet those needs with appropriate action.
All proceeds benefit the Routt County Council on Aging and support local services to help older adults remain independent and in their homes. Contact april@rccoaging.org or 970.879.0633 for more information. 501c3 Tax Id #84-0678596